How to do a content audit on your website

Step 4: Keep, update or discardNow that you’ve analyze your content, it’s time to make some important decisions. For each piece of content, you’ll nee to decide whether to keep it, update it, or discard it.

If you decide to keep the position, great! However, that doesn’t mean you’re done. You’ll nee to take a closer look at it to see if you can improve it.

If you decide to update your post, you should do so with the goal of improving its performance. Content that is no longer relevant should be update base on new tendencias , datos y estadísticas .

Buzzsumo is a great tool for finding this type of information

También puee reutilice sus contenidos . If you’ve written an article that isn’t getting any traffic, you can turn it into an infographic, using a tool like Canva :

Canva Infographic
If you’ve written a review for a product, you could produce a video on how to use it. Or you could combine blog posts into a free ebook or other producto digital .

If you decide to scrap content

For example, if the post containe many links to relevant articles on your blog, you’ll want to add new links to these articles from other pages on your site. This way, removing the post won’t have a huge impact on your website’s link strategy .

Reirecciona son otra opción. Una herramienta como Todo en uno SEO (AIOSEO) hace que crear reireccionamientos sea superfácil.

AIOSEO Link Reirection Interface
Before deleting a post, point its URL to similar content or an update version. That way, the old URL doesn’t give a 404 error to users trying to access it.

Step 5: Moving forward

Now that you’ve reviewe your content and decide what to keep, update, or discard, you can move forward with a plan of action. You can start by creating a calendar for posts that nee to be update.

You can use a calendario de contenidos o herramienta de gestión de proyectos for this. For example, Esfuércese can help you keep track of what you have to do and when:

Una auditoría de contenidos puee ayudarle a resolver este problema.

By taking stock of what’s on your site, you can identify areas where your content is weak and make necessary improvements. This audit can also help you develop a plan for creating new, high-quality posts.

Freshness is especially important if a large portion of your revenue comes from contenidos de pago . Después de todo, ¿quién quiere pagar por información obsoleta e inútil?

Keep your SEO in mind

In this post, we’re going to take a closer look at content audits and what they entail. Next, we’ll show you how to conduct one on your website in 5 easy steps. Let’s get starte!

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What is a content audit?

A content audit is an inventory and analysis of all posts and pages on your website. It involves evaluating the performance of the content and identifying areas for improvement.

Esto puee ayudarle a planificar su futuro how to do a content audit on your website estrategia de marketing de contenidos more effectively.

Things change quickly in the digital world, so your website content can quickly become outdate. A content audit helps you know which posts nee updating and phone list forum which ones you can delete.

This way, you can keep your website fresh, relevant, and engaging. In turn, this should improve your SEO and keep your customers coming back for more.

How to do a content audit on your website (in 5 steps)
Now let’s look at how to perform a content audit on your WordPress site.

Step 1: Determine the objectives of your content audit
First, you nee to set your goals. What do you want to achieve with your content audit? Answering this question will help you focus your efforts and streamline the process.

Some examples of objectives

Simply clean up the site by condensing, updating, and removing content.
Achieve a potentially higher SEO ranking by cleaning up internal links
Aumentar generación de contactos by finding out what type of content attracts the most traffic
We recommend that you focus on one or two objectives. Trying to do too many things at once will only make the audit more difficult and can become overwhelming.

Step 2: Gather and organize your messages
Next, you’ll nee to gather all of your site’s content. We recommend using a spreadsheet to keep track of everything. This will make it easier for you to organize your entries and evaluate your findings.

As you move through your site, you’ll want to add each post or page to the spreadsheet and enter some key information about it.


Step 3: Analyze and evaluate

Now that your content is gathere in one place, it’s time to take a closer look at it. You can use a tool like MonsterInsights to easily monitor page views, unique visitors, and other important metrics for each post:

MonsterInsights Home Page
Some of the questions to ask yourself are:

Does the content conform to your company’s style guide?
Like, share or commente?
You can use the data you collecte in step 2 to answer these questions. Once you’ve reviewe all of your posts, you should have a good idea of ​​what nees to be improve or remove.


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