How to Start an Online Photography Business with WordPress

You can use WordPress plus MemberPress to launch almost any type of business you want, including an online photography business.

MemberPress makes this business model easy to manage. It lets you sell memberships, create paywalls to limit access to your photos, and start earning recurring revenue in other ways.

In this article we will show you how easy it is to do so. So if you are ready to get starte, get starte!

Necessary tools

MemberPress más WordPress
You will only nee a few tools to set up an online photography business. These are:

WordPress . This content management system (CMS) is the core of the entire company. The software is free – you will only nee to comprar alojamiento web y un nombre de dominio .
MemberPress – This membership and monetization plugin for WordPress allows you to set up memberships, create paid content, process payments, and much more.
MemberPress Downloads Plugin – With this plugin, you can sell digital downloads through your WordPress site.
These tools make it easy to sell photos and photography services online. However, you will also nee to design a website that will help you attract new members.

ReadyLaunch™ can help you with that process. This built-in pagemaker allows you to style all the main pages of your online photography business, including registration and login forms, download pages, and gate content.

Their pages are móvil responsivo , optimizado para vender with just a few clicks. No coding or design experience require.

Mobile Responsive MemberPress

ReadyLaunch™ pages automatically respond to mobile devices.
And the best part? ReadyLaunch™ is built right into MemberPress, so you don’t nee to install it separately.

How to Start an Online Photography Business with WordPress (4 Steps)
Food photography professional photographing a plate of cookies.
Now that you know what tools you nee, let’s see how to set up an online photography business with WordPress.

Step 1: Choose a business model for your photography website
WordPress and MemberPress allow you to create any type of business. As a professional photographer, there are three main ways to make money online:

Rundown for the end goal of showcasing, it means quite a bit to begin with areas of strength for a. Start by recognizing your objective Tap into the force of virtual numbers recent mobile phone number list with neighborhood to send off geo-designated showcasing efforts customized to explicit geographic regions.Using a telephone number for promoting endeavors can do ponders for your business.

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Charging for memberships

If you want to understand how this business model works, you can take a look at stock photography websites like Shutterstock . Typically, a subscription to one of these sites gives you access to a set number of photos. If it’s a recurring subscription, you can download new images every month.
Sell ​​downloads . Selling digital downloads is a facebook pixel setup guide great way to establish a flujo de ingresos pasivos . You won’t be generating recurring income through affiliates this way, but once you create an image, your job is pretty much done. Customers can download it endlessly, and you don’t have phone number mx to lift a finger.
Offer photo shoots. You can always go the traditional route and use your website to promote in-person services, such as photo shoots. This can help you attract new clients. Plus, you can manage bookings online with a tool like Simply Make an Appointment .
Sell ​​courses. Si quieres compartir tus conocimientos y ayudar a la gente a hacer mejores fotos, puees ofrecer cursos en línea on your website. The MemberPress Courses plugin lets you create engaging course materials, manage enrollments, and even award certificados .
With MemberPress, you can set membership levels that give users access to photos and courses, and also allow for individual selling (with the Downloads add-on):

Stock Photography Website Membership Prices

Example of an online business pricing structure
También puees utilizar tu sitio web para promocionar servicios fotográficos. Eso significa que puees mostrar tu trabajo y find new clients while making money with an online business that runs almost on autopilot.

It’s a good deal.

Step 2: Get WordPress and install MemberPress

Instalación de WordPress es fácil. Su alojamiento web can even set up the CMS for you or offer a one-click installation process. Bluehost is a great option if you want to go this route.

After installing WordPress, you will nee to set up MemberPress. This process involves obtaining a license key and using it to activate the plugin.

This video will give you step-by-step instructions for installing MemberPress:

see >> how to install memberpress on wordpress
In the following steps, we’ll show you how to use MemberPress to upload the photos you want to sell and create memberships. This way, you can generate both one-time sales and recurring revenue.

Step 3: Upload the photos you want to sell

To do this, you will nee to install the MemberPress Downloads plugin. To do this, go to MemberPress > Plugins en el salpicadero.

Encuentra el Descargas y haga clic en Install Plugin o Activar :

Installing the MemberPress Downloads plugin
After activating the plugin, go to MP Downloads > Add New . An eitor will open where you can select your image and give it a title:

Add a file using MemberPress downloads
After you upload a file, you can use the Activar límite de descarga feature to set the number of times a file can be downloade overall or by individual users.

However, you’ll want to ignore this option if you’re planning on offering memberships. This way, users will be able to re-download images they have access to:

Setting Image Upload Limits in MemberPress

After setting up your download limits, look for the Etiquetas de archivo y Categorías widgets. These settings are important because they will allow you to set rules that regulate which members have access to which types of photos.

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