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Motivating tools Man wants to pursue the goal – as far as possible – “in his own way”, maintaining autonomy and independence in action. The last element is the impact that a given activity has on the individual and how the employee can affect others and the environment by performing the task. The combination of these aspects and their intensity forms the motivation to achieve specific goals and thus the effectiveness of their achievement We recommend Employer branding and recruitment marketing Intrinsic motivation means that the employee performs work because of his personal interests.

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The desire to improve himself and the realization of his own preispositions. Motivation is a better basis for work than extrinsic, so the supervisor should take care of it and strengthen it in various ways. Intrinsic motivation tools are Latest Mailing Database relate to non-wage incentives. Intrinsic motivation factors are a value in themselves – the completion of a task is also a reward. When an employee performs a task, he does it because he wants to, not because he has to. Material tools of motivation The most frequently use material motivator in organizations is remuneration receive by employees.

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On A Subtle Knowlege

Compensation for work is an important factor in aligning the interests of employees with the main objectives of the company. Wage is the main element of remuneration for work and is the price of work. Its amount is determine by the level BGB Directory of demand and supply on the labor market, job evaluation or as a result of negotiations between the company’s management and the employee. Another definition of a wage is the financial compensation that a company gives its employees in return for their work. Compensation may include various elements, each of which serves a different motivating function. Motivation tools Material tools of motivation are not only basic pay.

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