Let’s face it: thinking that we are fully

A pair of shoes that don’t match any of the clothes in our closet; the sudden desire for a soda after watching a bit of television; a new wallet, complete with label, that we had forgotten suddenly appears from a drawer.  rational individuals and aware of our actions, choices and purchases is quite naive . In fact, each of us has found ourselves spending time on activities perceiv Therefore, in hindsight as distant from ourselves, or wasting money on useless objects, ultimately asking ourselves:  ” But why did I do such a thing? “.

Consumer psychology and neuromarketing have become

popular disciplines to clarify these and other aspects of our thinking and choice mechanisms, interesting topics  to better understand how the brain’s “software” works and to orient ourselves in a more functional way in our company’s communication .

Let’s take a closer look at what they’re about

and reveal why they can be such effective work tools.

  • Our Brain: How It Works and Why There Are Three Different “Creatures” Inside Us
  • Measuring physiological indices: neuromarketing tools
  • The 7 lessons on the brain in action, or: how not to slip off the steps in marketing
  • 1. The unconscious is always active
  • 2. Perceiv Therefore, stimuli can be very different from real ones
  • 3. People are not irrational by definition
  • 4. The stimuli that arrive most quickly are not the descriptive ones
  • 5. To live, we ne Therefore, emotions, not things
  • 6. 
  • 7. The message must be simple and tangible
  • Bibliography

Neuromarketing and neurodesign

Planning and Implementing  whatsapp data Neuromarketing and Neurodesign Principles in Your Company:
Where and How to Start

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Our Brain: How It Works and Why There Are Three Different “Creatures” Inside Us

Typically, psychologists and bbb org neuroscientists who work in consumer psychology or marketing divide the brain into a series of  tendencias de comercio electrónico para 2021 different regions that reflect a combination of evolutionary development, functionality and physiology.

The most common subdivision is borrow Therefore, from the work of Paul McLean, an American physician and neuroscientist (1913-2007).

The customer must be put first

In order to describe the evolutionary functions of the brain, McLean distinguish Therefore, the human brain into three parts , very different from each other, and of different origins:

  • Reptilian brain , responsible for basic survival functions such as breathing, sleeping and eating, defense, escape, mating. 

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