内容控制可让您了解您拥有哪些内容和没有哪些内容,从而让您有机会填补消息传递中的空白。它还可以帮助您识别任何重复的内容、重用和重新利用内容以及删除或更新过时的内容。它还可以帮助您规划整体内容策略。 然而,拥有好的内容和高转化率需要大量的时间、研究和分析。下面的文章将帮助您创建优质内容以提高 SEO 排名和转化率。(什么是内容审核?为什么它对 SEO 如此重要  ) 如何创建高质量的内容并提高转化率? 每个内容作者都有自己的创作优质内容的方法,但在深入写作过程之前  您应该考虑一些事项。您需要做的最后一件事是测试和重写未完全开发的内容。尽管撰写网络内容与撰写小说有很大不同,但创作的每一篇内容都必须经过研究和开发,以使其达到最佳状态。内容结构必须对读者和搜索引擎友好 如前所述,避免像传统论文那样格式化论文很重要。我们要讨论的重要事情是长文本块。长文本看起来很糟糕且无效,特别是因为用户倾向于浏览内容而不是像以前那样仔细阅读内容。 创建搜索引擎友好且用户友好的结构化内容的一般原则是: 使用短段落(1-4 个句子是一个很好的目标范围) 项目符号列表比传统的论文文章更容易阅读 使用粗体或斜体来强调要点 使用副标题引导读者阅读文章。读者应该能够浏览小标题以了解您的要点 切中要害;不包含大量内容和无 (什么是内容审核?为什么它对 SEO 如此重要  ) 用内容 将关键点放在前面和中间(例如,将每个关键点分组或加粗) 让你的内容足够长以涵盖整个主题,但不要拖长它(提示:如果你觉得你已经写完了,也许你已经写完了) 使用图像和视觉示例为读者提供“视觉时刻” 上述所有内容都非常适合优化内容创建。使用标题、副标题、粗体字和斜体字很重要。这对于 SEO 非常有用– 搜索引擎喜欢内容,尤其是新鲜内容。他们喜欢在索引中包含长的高质量帖子以满足用户的需求。定期更新的网站会更频繁地被抓取,索引中有更多页面,并且通过应用内部链接最佳实践来提高 SEO 的可能性更大。 非常适合社交媒体– 如果您使用社交媒体营销来推广您的博客,您就会知道最重要的成功因素之一是您在社交媒体网站上发布的内容。你遇到的许多问题只是因为缺乏内容而破坏了你的努力。拥有定期更新的网站还可以为您提供社交媒体广告计划的数据。 与您的用户相关- 网站旨在为用户提供服务并为他们提供让他们更快乐的新内容。满意的用户可能会返回、转换、注册、购买或向其他人推荐您的网站。我并不是说这就像数 1-2-3 一样简单,您首先需要看到您的网站被用户接受,以便获得一些读者互动,一旦您达到这一点,一切都会变得更容易。 这是您的网站或业务活跃的信号 – 想象一下您访问 2 个相同的网站,以相同的价格销售相同的产品,但其中一个拥有最新的、活跃的博客、支持论坛或新闻部分。在其他条件相同的情况下,您更信任哪个网站?更新了内容的网站会给您一种仍然活跃并且关心客户的感觉。 当您访问产品支持论坛时也是如此。如果论坛的最后一次更新是在两年前,您会相信该公司并购买他们的产品吗? 更新是内容营销的核心活动——最近大家都在谈论内容营销,很多人说这是SEO的一种新方式,这也是事实。没有内容,你就无法进行大量的在线营销,但有了好的内容,你就可以做很多事情。 许多线上和线下企业都在利用内容来创造收入并提高品牌知名度。例子比比皆是:Lazada 使用内容来宣传他们的社交媒体规划工具,Mobile World 通过各种得到良好支持的内容来宣传他们的产品和服务。有许多从小到大的企业使用内容作为所有营销的主要元素的例子。 什么是新内容? 在讨论发布细节之前,让我进一步解释一下,以帮助您理解当我们说网站需要用“新内容”更新时我的意思。这也是很多人的误解,这使得他们更新内容的工作变得更加困难。 “新内容”不一定是网站本身全新的内容,而是特定网站的新内容,并且在网上其他任何地方都找不到相同格式的内容。 例如,您正在阅读的文章是数字营销的“新内容”,因为它是独特的、原创的,并且在任何其他在线网站上都找不到。如果你用谷歌搜索“定期更新新内容有利于搜索引擎优化”,你会发现数百篇文章,但你在这篇文章中阅读的具体内容是该网站独有的。 因此,“新”不仅仅意味着新闻或新概念或理论(这是显而易见的),还意味着特定网站或博客的新内容。 新内容应该多久添加到网站或博客中? 每个网站的使命不同,其更新要求也不同。您不能指望公司博客的更新频率与新闻或体育博客等常规博客一样频繁。 我有机会与许多不同领域的客户合作,帮助他们进行网站更新和博客管理,大网络的特征可以分为以下几类: 体育/时尚/名人/科技/生活方式/财经/报纸/杂志 在此类别中,我添加了涵盖热门主题的网站或博客。对于这些网站来说,每天多次更新新信息对其成功至关重要。更新次数没有限制,越多越好。他们的大部分访问来自社交媒体和谷歌新闻的回访者。文章通常简短、切题,并包含大量图像。 网站/博客 正常 此类别包括与您正在阅读的博客类似的博客。换句话说,网站提供的内容通常是自然的、新鲜的(长期相关的内容)。在此类别中,您希望找到个人发展博客、操作方法博客、信息博客、维基、营销、减肥、研究、分析、旅行技巧、评论等。 一般来说,每周更新 3 次就足够了,因此没有必要每天更新,除非您有足够的资源。 公司网站/博客 这些是展示公司及其提供的产品/服务的商业网站。这是最难定期更新的网站类型之一,因为所有初始数据设置都已完成并且有关公司的信息已发布,您没有任何有用的内容可发布。 幸运的是,有一个解决方案,那就是为您的公司创建一个博客。让我举几个例子来说明博客如何帮助商业网站定期提供新的有用内容。 律师事务所 – 他们可以使用博客发布有关法律相关主题的操作文章、信息和新闻。 汽车轮胎公司 – 有关不同类型轮胎使用的文章、有关轮胎维护的实用说明的文章。 投资公司 – 与金融领域相关的所有文章,从经济学到投资建议。 在线求职网站 – 有关趋势或热门职业的文章、操作方法文章(例如“如何准备工作面试”)。 以上只是几个例子,证明博客可以适用于大多数领域和行业。您需要的是制作最好的博客的想法和资源。 发布规则与常规网站相同,即每周更新大概 2-3 次。


您的观众在寻如此重要 找什么

例如,在您开始编写大量内容之前,确定您的受众以及他们想要什么非常重要。您不能只写任何内容并期望您的受众群体来到您的网站。你必须准确地写  WhatsApp 号码  出他们想学的内容。您希望您的内容能够引起受众的共鸣,以便他们回来分享,并尽力满足他们的需求。 虽然您可能不必花费数小时来了解您的受众,但您可以通过调查或社交媒体页面或工具来分析现有读者或客户的反馈,以衡量和分析用户行为。您还可以花一些时间研究您正在营销的行业中的典型内容,找出您的竞争对手发布的内容,综合和分析它们,并比那些做得更好。 例如,您的总体人口统计数据是什么?什么或谁影响了他们??他们需要什么?在开始写作过程之前必须回答所  有这些问题, 以确保您的内容尽可能与[您的受众]相关。完成此操作后,您就可以迈出创建高质量内容的第一步了。 编写并测试 您的内容是否成功 无论您要营销什么内容,要销售什么产品,或者要写什么,您从一开始就应该知道为网站写作与写论文或考试不同。避免写得太多,尽量保持吸引力和说服力。如果您的内容过于技术性,可能会让您的访问者感到恼火并离开去寻找其他内容。 除了上述内容之外,撰写能够创造可信度的内容也非常重要。 内容策略公司 Content Science最近进行的一项研究表明,任何人都可以在互联网上写下任何他们想要的内容,这就是为什么 65% 的网络读者认为访问的内容不可信 。如果您在开始编写内容时很好地遵循上述所有原则,您将在营销竞赛中占据一席之地。 游戏的下一步是盘点并测试您的内容,确保它对于搜索引擎和读者来说是最好的。 成功执行内容审核的步骤 在讨论内容审计之前,我想先简单讨论一下内容审计的前提,即内容盘点。 内容清单是创建网站内所有内容的综合列表的结果和过程。网站上的所有资产,无论其用途如何,以及它们可能位于何处,都必须考虑在内。您的内容清单还应包括所有内部链接、外部链接以及链接好坏的清单。 所有网站内容的内容清单将帮助您决定网站内容审核所需的分析类型。如果您不知道网站上的内容是什么类型,就不可能知道要衡量什么。例如,如果网站包含嵌入视频,则可以从 YouTube 和 Vimeo 等第三方视频网站检索一些重要的分析数据。当选择在博客中写什么内容(主题、帖子标题、内容等)时,了解两个基本概念非常重要: 首先,内容是任何网站或博客最重要的成功因素,因此这是您应该花费大部分时间的地方,其次您应该意识到这不仅仅是您,而且您不仅必须创建您还拥有的精彩内容与其他拥有优质内容的网站竞争。我将在下面解释为什么这很重要,以及您可以采取哪些措施来最大程度地减少竞争。 我应该写什么? 在我的SEO 自学中,我解释了高质量的内容,但出于本文的目的,我将更进一步解释如何使您的内容与竞争对手区分开来,这就是问题。回答问题:我写什么想要让它脱颖而出? 在开始撰写下一篇博客文章之前,问自己以下问题: 我的文章的主题是什么? 我的文章会回答问题还是解决问题? 其他人就该特定主题写了什么? 如何将我的内容与现有帖子区分开来并加以改进? 回答完上述问题后,下一步就是确定实际的博客文章标题、撰写文章、发布和推广。如何选择博客文章标题? 博客文章标题很重要,主要有以下 3 个原因: 一个好的标题会吸引很多读者和社交媒体的关注 一个好的标题对于 SEO 至关重要 博客标题将帮助读者和搜索引擎了解帖子的内容。谷歌最近发布了一份备忘单,强调了页面标题对于 SEO 目的的重要性,因此您不应该忽视它。 因此,您应该了解您的主题和帖子类型,下一步是选择实际的博客文章标题。这就是谷歌的关键字工具可以为您提供很大帮助的地方。 如何使用Google的关键字工具来选择您的博客文章标题? Google 的关键字工具还有许多其他有用的功能,在选择博客标题时可为您提供两条重要信息:每个关键字的确切搜索次数以及该关键字的竞争程度。我将在下面的示例中使用这两个来帮助您了解如何选择竞争较少的博客标题,从而增加您对该搜索词排名更高的机会。 例如,您想写的主题是关于减肥 ,而您的文章想回答一个问题或解决一个问题。既然如此,如果是我,我会向读者解释如何减肥 让我们看看其他人对这个特定主题写了什么?然后你尝试搜索更具体的短语,例如“如何减肥”“如何减肥”“快速减肥”……它会给你一些可靠的网站结果,因为所以你对这些关键词排名的机会非常低。 如何使您的内容与众不同并使其变得更好?您应该采取逐步的减肥方法,并解释如何计算一个人应该减掉多少体重,以及如何为读者想要减肥时制定计划。越详细、具体越好。 注意: 在上面的示例中,我添加了注释“您对这些关键字进行排名的机会非常低”。这很重要,这意味着即使您写了一篇标题为“如何减肥”(或上述任何标题)的好文章,您也将很难获得排名。在信任网站的第一位置第一页,你需要给谷歌很多具体而有力的理由来给你一个好的排名。定期更新内容将帮助您提高搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 水平。无论您有博客、企业网站还是电子商务网站,定期更新您的网站都有很多好处。更新频率取决于许多因素,这就是您将在本文中学到的内容 – 阅读有关应该多久更新网站内容的最佳实践。 为什么更新内容很重要? 保持网站内容最新并不是一件容易的事,它既花费时间又花费金钱。另一方面,这样做的好处——尤其是价值和成本节约方面的长期好处。 保持网站内容新鲜,从中受益 我将在下一节中定义“新内容”的含义,并根据网站的类型提供有关更新网站频率的一些指导,因为现在重要的是了解这样做的好处。

创建有 如此重要 用的内容

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有用的内容是必须的,您的读者或访问者不会花时间阅读一堆相对于他们的搜索目标毫无意义的随机内容。它也必须是独一无二的。虽然也有必要以适当的密度使用关键字来优化  BGB目錄  您的内容,但您也不应该编写太长的内容,也不应该在内容中塞入太多关键字,因为这会对优化您的内容产生反作用。 过去,有效的 SEO 策略通常包含大量 SEO 关键字的内容以及一些可以提高网站在 Google SERP 中排名的技巧。网站可以通过简单地将许多不同的关键字随意分布在页面上来获得较高的排名,即使内容根本不好。 以前是这样,现在已经不复存在了,积极的用户体验起着非常重要的作用,尤其是高质量的内容。大多数人不会搜索一个连续 500 次显示“打折相机商品”的网站。谷歌和其他搜索引擎已准备好并过滤掉关键字填充的页面,因为这些页面很大程度上缺乏有用的内容。 互联网的性质适合网站读者寻找他们可以使用的解决方案和可操作的内容。内容清单还必须包括页面内容的所有原始数据。请务必收集以下信息: 唯一的内容ID 页面标题和副标题。 页面网址。 文件类型(PDF、TXT、DOC 等) 作者或内容提供商。 描述或元短语。 元关键字。 内容类别。 上次编辑和创建日期。 物理位置(在内容管理系统中、服务器上等) 作者或供应商 一旦您拥有全面且有效的内容清单,这将提供进行内容审核和内容分析所需的信息。内容控制将帮助您决定哪些页面需要删除或推荐,或者如何重新组织数据以获得更好的网站性能。库存对于内容创建、编辑、维护和分析很有用 完成评估后,您可以选择最适合您和您网站需求的内容控制类型。重要的是要检查哪些网站页面需要删除,网站中的内容是否应该修改,以及需要编写或添加哪些网站内容到您的网站中以填补空白。此外,内容审核将帮助您跟踪和了解内容在移动或重定向时应映射到何处。当选择在博客中写什么内容(主题、帖子标题、内容等)时,了解两个基本概念非常重要: 首先,内容是任何网站或博客最重要的成功因素,因此这是您应该花费大部分时间的地方,其次您应该意识到这不仅仅是您,而且您不仅必须创建您还拥有的精彩内容与其他拥有优质内容的网站竞争。我将在下面解释为什么这很重要,以及您可以采取哪些措施来最大程度地减少竞争。 我应该写什么? 在我的SEO 自学中,我解释了高质量的内容,但出于本文的目的,我将更进一步解释如何使您的内容与竞争对手区分开来,这就是问题。回答问题:我写什么想要让它脱颖而出? 在开始撰写下一篇博客文章之前,问自己以下问题: 我的文章的主题是什么? 我的文章会回答问题还是解决问题? 其他人就该特定主题写了什么? 如何将我的内容与现有帖子区分开来并加以改进? 回答完上述问题后,下一步就是确定实际的博客文章标题、撰写文章、发布和推广。我做的第一件事是将定位与客户目标和正确的语言相匹配。 接下来,我开始寻找关键词。继续上面的例子,我从短语“减肥”开始搜索。 从结果来看,我目前感兴趣的是“竞争”列和“平均每月搜索”列。特别是,我正在寻找具有每月搜索量的低竞争长尾关键词创意。当然,每月搜索次数越多,关键字就越好,但不要忘记,那里显示的内容只是一个指示,我发现许多关键字带来的流量比此处给出的估计要多。此外,搜索次数越低,估计不准确的可能性就越大。 我再次重申,每月平均搜索量的估计并不是一个准确的数字,因为有很多时候与事件相关,用户的搜索需求在某个时间发生变化。这导致这些数字差异很大。 总结本文,重要的是要记住: 您不仅要创建好的内容,而且在使用关键字工具进行关键字分析并通过在 Google 上搜索这些术语进行竞争分析后,还必须仔细选择博客标题。 通过选择竞争程度较低的博客标题,您可以增加排名更高的机会 首先选择您的博客主题,找到标题,然后编写内容 发布后,请确保以最佳方式宣传您的博客文章 在博客文章标题中包含关键字,但不要过度(塞进去)。 不要对所有博客文章都遵循上述流程。使用上述方法预先选择要优化的博客文章,但也要确保您的网站/博客中也有未优化的帖子。为什么大多数企业博客失败:在我多次咨询企业博客失败的原因时,虽然这不是本文的主要主题,但我将提到最常见的失败原因: 没有分配足够的资源来使其发挥作用(金钱和时间)。 缺乏有用、独特和信息丰富的内容。 博客平台选择错误。 博客的有效性和投资回报无法衡量。 不要给它足够的时间。 选择一个糟糕的文章标题。 没有做足够的关键词研究。 电子商务网站 内容营销是推广在线商店的最有效方法之一。让我概述一些内容更新如何适用于电子商务网站的示例。 想象一下,您的电子商务网站上已经充满了您的产品。对于每个产品,您都有描述、评论和图像。那么您可以在博客中发布哪些内容? 有关如何使用产品的文章/视频 详细的产品评论 同类产品的对比评论 与您的职位间接相关的文章。例如,如果您销售订婚戒指,您可以提供与婚礼相关的博客文章、如何推荐等。 新产品和现有产品变更的通知 有关特别优惠和即将举行的活动的通知 您应该多久更新一次电子商务博客?答案很简单,当您有新的高质量内容要发布时。对于电子商务网站,您需要小心,不要将潜在客户拒之门外,而是为他们提供他们需要的内容。如果你能定期这样做那就更好了,但根据我的经验,这是很难做到的。 您可以外包网站更新吗? 如果您是独立或独资博主,您所要做的就是创建发布计划并分配为您的网站创建必要的内容和更新所需的时间。 另一方面,如果您是一家中小型公司,您会发现事情变得有点复杂,因为很可能您公司内部没有资源来管理博客和更新。在这种情况下,外包网站更新是一个不错的选择。它不是免费的,而是有成本的,但如果您将其留给知道如何运营商业博客的专业公司,您将获得长期利益。在做出外包决定之前,请确保他们有一份易于理解的价目表,并且可以向您展示公司在其网站上使用内容营销服务的真实示例。 阅读文章什么是 SEO 标准内容?掌握正确技巧的12 种最佳写作实践

ou’re probably here because you have one—or more—websites for your own business, work, or even personal projects. You did the work of setting up the portal: you thought about its concept, the topics you would write about, the images that would go on each page… and you probably hired a web programmer to design it in the best way. However, time has passed, and those three objectives that we mentioned above have not yet been met. You wonder: is there something wrong with my website? How can I improve it?

How do you know that your website is not working as it should?

lthough analyzing the performance of a website has many qualitative elements that are not easily measured, there are aspects that we can evaluate to know if our website is not doing its job in the ideal way. We present some metrics that you should take into account: Low CTR (Click Through Rate or Click Rate): this meter tells the percentage of clicks that a page obtains with respect to its impressions (the times that link appears on a user’s results page). If this metric is very low, it means that your title tag and meta tag are not attracting users’ attention, and, therefore, they are not visiting your page. Bounce rate or high exit rate: this metric reflects the users who leave your portal after only visiting the page you are analyzing. In general, the higher this number, the more users are not interested enough in your site to continue browsing it.

Optimize your pages with SEO


How to use WhatsApp? In China, many people have used WeChat to communicate. It is very convenient to communicate with work, but communicating with overseas customers cannot bypass WhatsApp. Maybe many people in China have never heard of WhatsApp. Is there any question about whether WhatsApp can be used in China and how to download and use it? Today I will answer your questions one by one.

WhatsApp number

1. What is whatsapp?

(1) Whatsapp is a communication tool

WhatsApp is a free communication software that can send and receive messages, pictures, audio files and videos to family and friends. WhatsApp is registered based on a mobile phone number. When registering, you need to enter your mobile phone number and accept a verification text message. Then  will search for the people you already use in your mobile contacts and automatically add them to your mobile contact list.

(2) There is no difference between whatsapp and mobile text messages

The core of Whatsapp is a communication tool. It tends to be a “free text messaging” application and weakens social interaction. WhatsApp is deeply integrated with mobile phone address books. Users can use it without registering. The user’s account is the mobile phone number. There is no need to manually add friends or the other party to pass. Agree, after installation, you can send messages to the other party immediately, and the contact name is the name in the mobile phone address book. Users use it no different from traditional WhatsApp Number text messages.

(3) The special functions of WhatsApp are as follows:

No need to log in or out: No need to worry about being forced to log out when logging in from another computer or mobile phone, it is always logged in and connected.

There is no need to add new contacts: contacts in your phonebook will automatically be linked to your WhatsApps Messenger contacts, and your contacts will automatically appear in the favorites menu if you have this software installed.

Offline messages: Even if you turn off your phone or are in an area with no signal. It will automatically store any messages you receive during this period and once you turn on your phone or enter a signal area, it will automatically push offline messages to your phone.

No monthly fees: Once you and your contacts install this software, you can use it to contact each other unlimitedly and send unlimited messages to your friends in a day for free. This software supports 3G / EDGE / Wi-Fi . No international roaming charges. If your friends have this app installed on their Android or Blackberry or iPhone, you can chat with them in other countries and avoid annoying international text messaging charges.

No identification and username: using bgbdirectory this software is like using the text messaging function on a mobile phone.

WhatsApp is about to launch in-app purchasing feature

3 minutes to teach you how to quickly accumulate users/fans on your WhatsApp business account

WhatsApp Number

After the WhatsApp Business API allows the release of marketing push messages in Mexico and Indonesia, WhatsApp number COO Matt Idema mentioned in an interview last Thursday that WhatsApp will soon launch an in-app purchase function (external links will not be inserted yet, so if you are interested Search it yourself).

3 minutes to teach you how to quickly accumulate users/fans on your WhatsApp business account
Screenshots from the Internet

WhatsApp is the world’s largest instant messaging tool. After being acquired by Facebook in 2014, WhatsApp has been exploring ways to monetize WhatsApp’s business. Recently, WhatsApp has been making frequent moves in terms of marketing functions. Many sensitive companies have sensed the huge dividend value that is about to explode in this traffic depression. In recent days, inquiries about WhatsApp business applications have increased significantly.

3 minutes to teach you how to quickly accumulate users/fans on your WhatsApp business account
Global top instant messaging software monthly active users

After having a WhatsApp Business API enterprise account, the next most important thing. Is how to quickly accumulate target users/fans on the WhatsApp business account. In other words, how can our target users/fans quickly find our WhatsApp business? account. Based on my experience, I have summarized the following methods, hoping to help you quickly establish a WhatsApp business account to fully acquire users.

First of all, WhatsApp is an instant messaging APP used by 2 billion active users around the world every day (similar to WeChat in China). Enterprises can use WhatsApp as a channel to interact with users at every stage of the customer journey that suits their users, whether it is Whether online or offline, from setting up a button to connect to WhatsApp on the official website of the online company, to designing a QR code on the outer packaging of the offline product to allow users to scan the code to access the WhatsApp channel. Of course, in addition to natural publicity, paid promotion is the simplest, crudest and most effective strategy. You can be completely creative based on the characteristics of your company’s business and let users know that they can contact the company through WhatsApp.

Below I introduce these methods one by one:

//The official website is designed to place the entrance button of WhatsApp//

Create a short link to wa.me. Users can click this short link to jump directly to the company’s WhatsApp account conversation window. Just create your own link in the format https://wa.me/, where is the complete phone number in international format. Format examples such as wa.me/1555123456. Any zeros, parentheses or dashes in the international dialing code are omitted. After you create the link, you can design it as a button on your website. By clicking a button, users can access the company’s WhatsApp conversation channel to find or ask for the information and help they need.

3 minutes to teach you how to quickly accumulate users/fans on your WhatsApp business account
Place WhatsApp button on official website

You can set up several more button entrances at different locations on the website. After running for a period of time, compare and evaluate the location with the best effect. Generally, the WhatsApp number entrance must be included on the homepage, customer support or contact us pages.

You can also create a dedicated landing page for the WhatsApp portal, and cooperate with special marketing activities to promote the WhatsApp portal in a targeted manner.

3 minutes to teach you how to quickly accumulate users/fans on your WhatsApp business account
Create a dedicated WhatsApp entry page

//Product packaging and outdoor advertising design WhatsApp entrance//

For some companies that provide consumer products and services, promoting their WhatsApp on product packaging and outdoor advertising is also a good way. The WhatsApp number can be printed, or the QR code can be printed directly, and users can start a WhatsApp conversation with the business by scanning the QR code.

3 minutes to teach you how to quickly accumulate users/fans on your WhatsApp business account
Product packaging design WhatsApp account QR code

//For designing Facebook and Instagram ads, click the chat button to quickly jump to WhatsApp. //

When we do overseas business, we will definitely place ads on Facebook and Instagram, the two largest social networks in the world, which are very helpful in increasing brand exposure and popularity. Here we can connect the advertisement to the WhatsApp business account, and the user jumps to the chat interface and can directly talk to the chatbot or human agent. Compared with the traditional method of allowing users to jump to a web page, interact with users through WhatsApp conversations, and provide personalized feedback according to user needs, on the one hand, it improves the user experience and corporate image, and on the other hand, it also keeps users in the company. In the private domain traffic pool of your WhatsApp account, you can continue to tap into more business value in the future.

3 minutes to teach you how to quickly accumulate users/fans on your WhatsApp business account
Advertising jumps on FB and Ins

//Optimize search engine natural ranking results and paid text ads//

Enterprises can optimize the metadata content of the “Contact Us” page of the official website. When users enter “brand name + contact number” or “brand name + customer service” in the search box. The WhatsApp customer service channel will be displayed first. You can also increase WhatsApp’s customer service channel on the user side through Google’s paid advertising.

Establishing digital indicators that you must constantly measure allowing you to evaluate the performance of your efforts and make comparisons that provide clarity as to whether there is an improvement. Some common examples that companies establish for their strategies are increasing sales boosting lead generation improving brand recognition automating digital processes and improving customer retention. Remember that to execute a successful BB strategy you must define the starting point of your digital efforts analyze your industry understand your target market and establish measurable objectives. These four aspects are the bases for building a successful digital strategy that meets the established strategic vision.

This in turn will allow you to achieve

Satisfactory results and foster successful growth for your company brand product or service. An effective digital strategy is the key to success in the digital environment and achieving your business goals. At Interius we help you identify the processes. And tools that Whatsapp Number List  your company needs guiding you and designing a tailored strategic plan. Objectives provide guidelines monitored by managing your space daily producing advanced content. Doing research on new trends and ways of presenting information asking for feedback and optimizing. The strategy by analyzing the results you have.

We hope these steps help

You and you create a successful community for your brand . Remember that the intention is to build a community around your brand to connect with people. Understand your consumer’s behavior cultivating trust to establish yourself as a leading authority for your target audience . Fundamentally promotional content should provide real.  BGB Directory  Objectives provide guidelines resource in your niche  they will naturally buy from you. Tell us what you think of these tips and remember to check out the Interius services where we help you achieve your goals and reach the results you are looking for.

To be successful in SEO today, you need to do more than just SEO. SEO needs the help of social media, content marketing, mobile marketing and all the other tools available in the digital marketing mix . If your strategy is to only focus on SEO, you won’t go long. There is a need to go beyond SEO and create a digital marketing strategy instead of just an SEO strategy. Use traditional SEO techniques to optimize your website and content but for promotional purposes, think outside the box and don’t be afraid to try things. Don’t try to think of ways to get more links but think of ways to get more traffic and the natural links will increase accordingly.

Not using the tag correctly

This is a bit technical but easy to understand. When Google’s crawler is reading a website, it uses several techniques to interpret the content of a page. The Title tag as I mentioned is a great signal, as is the H1 tag . The mistake that many websites make is that in a given page, they use more than one H1 tag. This could be because the website theme is not SEO optimized or the programming is not good, but the bottom line is that this confuses search engine bots. The easiest way to check if your site has this problem is to visit a page on your site and select VIEWSOURCE from the browser menu. This will show you the HTML code of the page and you can then search within the H1 using the FIND menu. If there are more than 2 opening H1 tags (<H1>), then this means you have a problem. In case you have more than H1 tags and don’t know how to fix it, you can ask a programmer to make this change for you.

Not formatting content

This is also a fairly common mistake when you do not pay attention to formatting the content beautifully by using titles (large font size), list formatting, using italics, bold, etc. Not only is this bad for user experience, but it is also something that search engines can understand, and if this is a recurring phenomenon, it will lead to a devaluation of site quality. When you publish text on the website, don’t just paste the text (even if it is unique and original) on the page but try to make the page look good using headings (H2, H3), bold and italics to help users read and interact with the page. Many people think this isn’t important because Google can’t see every single page, but it’s important to them too. In a BGB Directory Google article published in 2011 talking about building high-quality websites , they mentioned that presentation style, quality control, and editing are an important factor when trying to differentiate differentiate between high and low quality websites.

Sites with more pages in the index (indexed) rank higher than sites with fewer pages, right? Unnecessary. Websites with many quality pages indexed will rank higher. Pages with thin content, duplicate content, or repetitive content do not add value to the site, they actually harm the overall site’s SEO performance. If you are aiming to get as many pages indexed in Google, you may have to stop and modify your SEO strategy . In some websites, categories, archives, tags and pages without unique content should be set to. This will most likely reduce the number of indexed pages but it is a more optimal approach and will help your site in the long run. Instead of trying to duplicate your p

Use press releases for link building

I didn’t mention the press release above, because I wanted to give WhatsApp Number it more attention with number 13. Some people still believe that adding links to press releases and distributing them through different channels helps SEO. This is a bad tactic that should be avoided. Google with the latest version of Panda wanted to convey the message that press releases do not help SEO and they did it in the clearest way. Should you stop using press releases? Absolutely not, there are still benefits to using press releases as an advertising channel but you need to make sure that any links in the press release are

Only target high traffic keywords

The first thing many SEO experts do when trying to optimize a website is keyword research. The wider the better. The mistake they are making is that they only consider keywords with high search volume because they believe that this way they will get more traffic. High traffic keywords are highly competitive and if you start now BGB Directory you will never get to rank for those keywords, at least not yet. during this short period of time. I may be exaggerating to give you an idea of ​​how difficult it is to get high traffic keywords with a ‘normal’ website.

Sites with more pages in the index (indexed) rank higher than sites with fewer pages, right? Unnecessary. Websites with many quality pages indexed will rank higher. Pages with thin content, duplicate content, or repetitive content do not add value to the site, they actually harm the overall site’s SEO performance. If you are aiming to get as many pages indexed in Google, you may have to stop and modify your SEO strategy . In some websites, categories, archives, tags and pages without unique content should be set to “noindex”. This will most likely reduce the number of indexed pages but it is a more optimal approach and will help your site in the long run. Instead of trying to duplicate your pages, focus on creating pages with valuable content for a better chance of ranking.

Use press releases for link building

I didn’t mention the press release above, because I wanted to give WhatsApp Number it more attention with number 13. Some people still believe that adding links to press releases and distributing them through different channels helps SEO. This is a bad tactic that should be avoided. Google with the latest version of Panda wanted to convey the message that press releases do not help SEO and they did it in the clearest way. Should you stop using press releases? Absolutely not, there are still benefits to using press releases as an advertising channel but you need to make sure that any links in the press release are “nofollow”.

Only target high traffic keywords

The first thing many SEO experts do when trying to optimize a website is keyword research. The wider the better. The mistake they are making is that they only consider keywords with high search volume because they believe that this way they will get more traffic. High traffic keywords are highly competitive and if you start now (or have a relatively new site) you will never get to rank for those keywords, at least not yet. during this short period of time. I may be exaggerating to give you an idea of ​​how difficult it is to get high traffic keywords with a ‘normal’ website. What should you do instead? Getting traffic is a lot easier when  BGB Directory you target long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords as their name implies are search queries that have more than 2+ words. For example, here’s a master traffic keyword SEO learning and a long-tail keyword SEO learning for beginners .

It’s actually a huge mistake if you don’t take advantage of page load speed as a ranking factor. If there’s one factor that we know for sure has a huge impact on your ranking position, it’s page speed. Google and Bing want to make the web faster and they are doing everything they can to make this happen. From my experience talking to clients trying to improve website load times isn’t the easiest thing to do but it’s a big mistake to ignore it. A faster website will bring in more traffic (due to higher rankings), will generate more sales and more page views. If you’re running ads on your site (like AdSense), a faster site will also generate more ad clicks and ad revenue.

Link building comes too fast

I’m not a fan of the term “link building.” However, the reality is like that. Whether you call it link building or  WhatsApp Number Off-page SEO, it is one of the most important SEO processes, if you want to achieve high rankings. When building links, avoid making these SEO mistakes: Don’t build too many links too quickly. The whole process needs to be natural and not natural a 3 month old website has dozens of links pointing to it. Go slow and steady. Don’t use anchor keywords in anchor text. In the past, anchor text links with exact keywords were important for rankings, but now if you repeatedly push keywords into anchor text.

Low quality link building

WhatsApp Number

The problem with using such techniques is that Google no longer tolerates link building that has no value other than the number of points the link points to. Google’s updated quality guidelines also state that any type of link built for this purpose is against their guidelines and could result in a penalty. Specifically they talk about: Post with multiple keyword-rich text links BGB Directory  Let guests post articles widely in the article section Bookmark website links (There is a list of linked websites) Forum comments with links for optimization purposes (in posts or signatures) Paid advertising or advertising Cross linking or link exchange

The Elogia company is an agency specialized in digital business marketing. It is one of the SEO agencies in Mexico with the highest domain authority and most history. They have worked with highly relevant clients such as Burger King Mexico, Volvo and Coca-Cola. The first completely Mexican e-commerce dedicated to office products for micro and small businesses. His main objectives when starting his work with Elogia. Were to increase web traffic capture leads from potential clients and make purchase conversions. With patience and the right choice of services great changes can be achieved with web positioning strategies.

How much does it cost to position a website in Mexico?

However we also review some of the factors that WhatsApp Number influence this budget. Experience of the consultant or agency. Region of Mexico. Particular objectives of the website. Type of services contracted. Payment method. The competitiveness of the industry. Always keep in mind that SEO is an investment not an expense. You will make a lot of profits! Among them more reputation in the online world. They need a good presence on the Internet and for this they must have a monthly budget. That answering the famous question “How long will it take for me to appear on the first page of Google?” It is not as simple as it seems. As we mentioned above these projects take at least 4 to 6 months to carry out. For this reason it is best to establish a monthly price.

Why invest in SEO Success of an in 2023?

WhatsApp Number

The SEO market in Mexico is constantly growing. It is a country with excellent agencies and very prepared teams. As in their BGB Directory neighboring country. The United States of America. Where prices can range from the equivalent of $60,000 MXN to $620,000 MXN per month. All this results in an excellent balance between quality of service investment and market knowledge. It takes for your website to position. It self will depend on your competition. The local or international market and the amount of content produced. From the moment you start a new positioning project on your website you will see some results. The important thing is that you be patient! Moving up the ranks is possible if you are willing to become the best teacher in your industry. Study your consumer investigate what they are looking for and answer their questions or problems.

It would be good if you publish new content every day, every other day or once a week; what’s more important is having a consistent publishing schedule. Decide in advance how many times you plan to publish new content (and when) and stick to that plan What I usually do to make sure I don’t miss out on my plans is to prepare a few blog posts in advance so that I have a week to 10 days to get some time in and create new content. Consistency has an SEO value and it brings in more traffic. This is also something I cannot do on this website vietnetgroup.vn because there are many reasons. But for customer project websites, our team has a clear weekly content plan. And through that we see the progress of the project.

The content is not high quality

The latest trend in SEO is about authority and trust. Your goal is to build trust between your website and users and authority between your website and search engines. One of the ways (it’s not the only way) to build authority is to consistently publish high-quality content. It’s a huge SEO mistake that is focusing on other things and forgetting WhatsApp Number the importance of content. Instead of trying to get more articles published, try to build authority and trust through the quality of your content. It will bring many benefits, not just achieving high rankings.

Not practicing good internal linking

Linking your pages together is necessary for 3 reasons: Help search BGB Directory engines discover more pages from your site Linking to an internal page is a signal to search engines that this page is important to your website Help users learn more about a topic they are interested in. Most website owners don’t want to create internal links because they think it’s a waste of time or because they don’t know how good internal links are for SEO. What is internal linking? Internal linking is when you link from one page to another page within the same website. Internal links are great for SEO because they allow you to create your own microweb by linking your pages together. This helps search engines discover or review pages from your website and also provides more information to users about a particular topic.

Social media is one of the best and most effective ways to promote your website or new content. It would be a big mistake if you are not active in at least one social media platform. Most SEO experts agree that social signals are increasingly . You are not active in all social networks or spend a lot of time active on them without purpose. You need to find which platform best suits your audience and try to build your strength on it and gain more trust by following talented people in your field and sharing content informative and helpful.

Not actively promoting the article

Don’t expect that because you wrote what you think is a good article, people will start sharing it on Facebook or tweeting about it. This won’t happen in the beginning until you’ve built up a good audience (including hundreds of email subscribers, thousands of Facebook followers, and dozens of twitter followers). Promoting your work from the beginning is not a mistake and it is not something WhatsApp Number you should be afraid of. I know it will take a lot of work, effort on your part, good content, and perseverance to get others to share what you do, but once you reach this point, everything else will become easier.

Do not use Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster tools

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Your site not registered with Google Search Console and Bing webmaster tools is like driving with your eyes closed. Both Google and Bing created webmaster tools as a way to help website owners learn more about their web properties. Instead of Your site not registered with Google Search Console and Bing webmaster tools is like driving with your eyes closed. There are many benefits from doing this and the process is BGB Directory quite simple and even a beginner can do it. Instead of predicting that what you’re doing might be wrong and you’re not getting much traffic from search engines, sign up for those admin tools and get feedback and notifications about your website’s status. predicting that what you’re doing might be wrong and you’re not getting much traffic from search engines, sign up for those admin tools and get feedback and notifications about your website’s status.