Shop Decoration Hotspots Relate To The Space Within

The process for editing your components is the same as what you did in your Basic Shop Decoration. Just click on the component from the canvas so that the component properties panel appears. Depending on the components you choose, you can then add images, videos, banners, and even hyperlinks to your components. After that, click Save.

Shop DecorationAfter editing all your components, you can preview your shop design. You can also decide to save it as a draft if you still want to edit in the days to come. Do it by clicking the Save button. You can also make your new design live here and there by clicking the Publish button.

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How to Use Shop Decoration Premium Components

Single images allow sellers to focus on a specific product or branding focus. This also gives them the option to promote a wider range of products.

For example, one image can show different kinds of footwear. You can hyperlink a single image to a product listing dedicated to all your footwear products.

The Single Image component can be used to highlight new or best-selling products, special promotions, and what your store has to offer.

Shop Decoration

Click on the Single Image component to make it appear on the canvas. Select a component from the canvas. Click the Upload Image thumbnail found in the component’s properties panel.
Through multiple click areas, sellers can maximize conversions by hyperlinking to multiple pages in just one image. This allows you to display multiple categories or multiple products in a single image.

Shop Decoration

To get started with multiple click areas, click on a component from the components panel to make it appear on the canvas. Select a component so you can work with it in the component properties panel.

Shop Decoration Hotspots relate to the space within the image where you will add the hyperlink. To add a hotspot you can work with the Hotspot Management tool by clicking on Hotspots. You can also draw specific objects in the image by dragging your mouse.

Click on a specific hotspot if you Latest Mailing Database want to adjust its size. The anchor points will appear and you can resize the hotspot by stretching the anchor points in or out.

Shop Decoration

To add a hyperlink, click on a hotspot and a small hyperlink tool will appear. Choose whether to add hyperlinks to in-store categories or product detail pages. Note that all hotspots must have hyperlinks.

It gives you the option to display the most popular categories in a list format. With it, uploading categories becomes much easier as you don’t have to publish images one by one. Shoppers also prefer this format because they can see all the categories at the same time.

You can add 2 to 12 categories in list format.

Shop Decoration

Latest Mailing Database

Select List of Text Categories from the components panel. You can add categories via the component properties panel. Select an In-Store Category. Click on the In-Store Category Chooser and choose from your list of active categories.

Note that when you select a category BGB Directory the title will automatically appear in the category name box but you can still modify it. If you need to add more categories, you can click the Add New Category button.

Shop Decoration

You can also rearrange the order of your categories by clicking the up and down buttons. Categories can also be deleted by hovering over a specific category and then clicking Delete.

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