Kind of lost in quarantine

Kind of lost in quarantine, I guess Yeah, I’ve raised them all down in my notebook So I’m gonna have to look through that during the blog The first way you can make money is . In other words,
to sell your old stuff You can sell them on deep hop eBay, there are lots of websites where . Therefore, you can do this So it’s really easy to sell your old clothes that don’t figure you don’t want anymore And number two is two young kids. I know Like younger kids in you McQueen.  I knew this one’s . Therefore, a bit hard to here, do So you’ll have to promise me to set it up online which is harder because You’re because people already kind of have their teachers to eat it or something like that so yeah, I but I know.

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And work like graduates that well so they made me my details The number two is I know you should help around the house But I mean you . Therefore, could do like loads more towards than you’re supposed to And then you could , get ready for it herefore, like dude Clean the garden Hong Kong Phone Number List  now Number four is I knew this website with everything . Therefore, that you take photos and then it gives me like Money, I mean it gives . In other words,
you money  On your faces, which is quite good be creative. I think it’s Called Pope I’ll insert a picture of it The fifth one is I knew this one was very hard. You have to get a lot of surprises.

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Sure if you could do this now, but maybe after coins in and you could practice And yeah, you could just sell it And yeah . Therefore, so some people do I prefer to put a really good at it and they might be thinking of selling that so That’s an idea number seven is and like Iran Phone Number List  make a service like make a needed service so like buying

. Therefore, Needed things and giving to like, I don’t know because some people like ugly It’s more like proof. They move people pray to get crew  So you could make service where you buy stuff for them as they paid you I don’t know You might have to look into that ,

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