If you enter words in a list, the system will automatically arrange the words in a line after saving the changes

If you enter It’s up to you to decide which syntax option to choose. The result will be the same in both cases.

Once you add negative keywords at the campaign level, they are automatically applied to all ad groups.

Note: in Yandex, if one of the negative words intersects with a word in the key phrase. The negative word is ignored. When launching campaigns in Yandex Direct, carefully work through the list of keys to neutralize the display of “garbage” phrases using negative words.

What is important to remember

  • Negative keywords are very important for search contextual advertising – they allow you to exclude non-targeted impressions and clicks, increase CTR and lead to budget savings.
  • It is worth collecting negative words at the stage hong kong telegram data of selecting semantics – this way you will have the most complete list.
  • Expand your list of negative words with synonyms, various word forms, and irrelevant words from association phrases.
  • If you enter Use automated PromoPult tools to select negative keywords from Wordstat and statistics counters.

If you don’t have the time or experience to work with negative keywords, connect a personal manager . He will help you correctly collect and distribute negative keywords between ad groups. Here is a case customers for example you can thank them about how a personal manager helped to increase conversions from Yandex Direct by 2 times, and CTR of ads by 8 times, including due to competent negative keywords.

Don’t rush to remove circular references

Links to the current page do not harm usability and search liechtenstein number rankings – provided that they improve the user experience. If your site has circular links from the logo or active menu item, you can leave them in place – many top sites have them, and this does not prevent them from living.

It’s a different matter if circular links come from the main content, the post title, the last item of “breadcrumbs”. This confuses visitors and worsens behavioral factors. It’s even worse when circular links are used to inflate link factors. This is useless from an SEO point of view and can lead to search engine sanctions.

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