If you are a victim

If you are a victim of chronic migraines, it can incapacitate you for hours at a stretch. Staring at a computer screen or staying focused in the office can seem impossible when suffering from debilitating pain. Most people who struggle with these intense, throbbing headaches need to lie down in a cool, dark place until it is over. You don’t want your migraines to define you. You’re looking for ways to overcome a health condition that keeps you from doing your best on the job. Try 5 tips for anyone who suffers migraines while working. 1. Avoid Straining Your Eyes Eye strain is a potential trigger for migraines. Your goal should be to head off a migraine before it can begin.

Invest in a pair

Invest in a pair of the best blue light blocking glasses to give your eyes a break. You can also try dimming the colors on your computer screen. Use larger font. Alternate tasks on the job so you are not always glued to your computer. If you are getting too tired France Phone Number List  and fear a headache may be coming on, talk to your employer about other ways you can be productive in addition to work on the computer. 2. Get Enough Rest A solid seven or eight hours of sleep will do wonders. Establish a regular sleep schedule at home. Go to bed at approximately the same time every night. Make sure you set the stage for a soothing night. Your room should be at a comfortable temperature.

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It should also

It should also be dark. Use blackout curtains to keep sunlight from streaming in. Relaxing music or nature sounds can work like a charm to give you France Phone Number List  the rest you need. 3. Watch What You’re Drinking Coffee is the go-to beverage of office champions. However, caffeine is an enemy if you suffer from migraines. Drink plenty of water instead. You want to avoid dehydration. It could pave the way for a migraine. Keep a stash of water bottles in the fridge in your office. Always have one on hand throughout the day.

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