In Shop Decoration Basic, there is a white bottom margin that separates each component from the other. There are also specific titles provided for each different section.
Shop Decoration Premium lets you hide titles and bottom margins so you can have one seamless, cohesive image design.
Shop Decoration. You can select Hide and click Save if you don’t want the title to be visible in your component. Under the sort tool in the component properties panel, you can check Hide Bottom
Margins and click Save.
Multiple Adjustment Options For Carousel Height
Carousel is an excellent tool for sellers because it allows them to autoplay up to six images in just one frame.
One of the main differences between whatsapp mobile number list the carousels in Shop Decoration Basic and Shop Decoration Premium is the standard size requirements.
In Shop Decoration Basic, images must conform to standard size requirements. Now, in Shop Decoration Premium, you will be able to create more visual impact in your images through various height ranges for the carousel.
Shop Decoration
Click on a new carousel component from the components panel to get started. On the component properties panel, click Upload Image. You can also add hyperlinks as an option. Before anything else, you should ensure that all the images on the carousel are of the same dimensions. Save your settings and then you are all set.
Shop Decoration is a great way to enhance the visual appeal of your Shopee store and communicate your brand.
What challenges and positive encounters did you have at Shop Decoration
We want to know in the comments section.
To track orders you have placed through your Partner link, log in to your Partner account and go to Dashboard.
Charts and statistical figures will help you determine how many clicks your links are receiving. You will also be able to see BGB Directory how much commission you have earned on orders. Charts, in particular, allow you to analyze your sales performance in terms of customers using your Partner link for a certain period of time.
You can also see link clicks in real-time. However, you will have to wait for the next day to get updated statistics on your conversions.