Negative keywords at the ad group level

Negative keywords You can also set negative keywords at the ad group level (in PromoPult, each ad group includes one key phrase). To do this, click on the “-” icon opposite the select key and in the window that opens. Enter negative keywords according to the same rules as for negative keywords at the campaign level.

The window contains two tabs with tools design to make it easier to find negative keywords:

  • “Negative phrases bas on Wordstat” . The algorithm collects phrases from Yandex Wordstat bas on the original request and highlights probable negative words in bold. All you have to do is go through the list and add words that you may have miss.

To spe up the search, check the box next to “Show words that greece telegram data are not on the target page.” In this case, the system will leave only those words that are not found in the content of the target page.

Automatically select

The system will download queries from Yandex Metrica and/or Google. Analytics counters that result in low-quality transitions. Opposite each query, the number of transitions. Time on the to communicate and interact with your customers site, bounces, viewing depth, conversions (provid that goals are set in the analytics system) and frequency are indicat. Bas on the statistics and highlighting data, determine the negative words.

We recommend checking the box next to the option

Show statistically significant words”. In this case, the list will include liechtenstein number queries that had more. Than 5 clicks and with a bounce rate of more than 10%. If after checking the box there are no queries left in the list, then use this method of selecting negative words with caution so as not to cut off target traffic.

After selecting negative keywords and composing ads, we proce to launching the ads. You can adjust the negative keyword lists at any time – both at the campaign and ad group level.

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