Over the past two years, Also Telegram has been developing a new generation of its messaging app, in parallel with the main version. And now, it’s available for iOS and Android : meet Telegram X. The app was written from scratch, with an entirely new codebase and no legacy components. Also The goal is to “explore new frontiers in speed, ease of use, animation quality” and more.
What is a Telegram channel
Telegram X’s interface is very similar to the traditional version, take telegram advertising service but there are some notable differences. Animations are smoother; there’s a section dedicated to calls; and you can disable chat bubbles.
You can tap and hold on any conversation to view
its contents without opening it—this even works in the share menus and the Calls tab. And when you open a profile, you’ll be able to easily see the photos, videos, links, and music that person has shared with you.
Also You could already swipe messages to the left to reply to them
Now, Also by swiping them to the right, you can share them with other users.
Some cool features from the traditional Telegram remain here, including dark mode, the built-in music player, and support for floating videos in the interface. Also Telegram X “is experimental and may or may not replace the current version,” the company warns; Also you can download it from the App Store and Google Play .
How to create a channel on Telegram
Examples of successful Telegram marketing strategies: – how to launch advertising in telegram: step-by-step instructions Also A network marketing company can create a channel to share success stories, training materials, and motivational content with its distributors.
By regularly interacting with channel subscribers
the company can foster a sense of community and provide valuable resources for personal and professional growth.
Also An e-commerce business can integrate a bot into its Telegram channel to provide personalized product recommendations, answer customer queries, and facilitate seamless transactions. This improves the user experience and increases the likelihood of conversions.
Telegram and Telegram X for iOS were temporarily removed from the App Store
They are now back. On Twitter , CEO Pavel Durov explains vietnam data what happened. “We have been alerted by Apple that inappropriate content was made available to our users, and both apps have been removed from the App Store. Once we put in place the appropriate protections, we expect the apps to return to the store.”