As a blogger, I can tell you from experience that certain features should be on every blog, regardless of what niche you’re blogging for or whether you’re in the beginner stage or working on your blog. blog building. Having these features on your blog  (5 essential things) can help increase the percentage of users who convert on your blog. Here are 5 things you need to have on your blog and I’ll explain why. If you haven’t already, make sure to read and implement it on your blog.

Custom header design

Even if you don’t have the ability to completely edit the look and feel of your blog, I recommend creating your own header (5 essential things) or investing in a custom header design from a professional designer. Custom headers will help your blog stand out from the crowd, make it more appealing to your readers, and showcase your brand . I WhatsApp Number  recommend having your blog title and tagline in your header. The tagline in the header lets visitors know what your blog is about the moment they visit it. Usually, blogs often use slogans that best describe their blog

About me page includes images

Your about page will probably be one of the most visited pages on your blog. Why? Because people want to know who is BGB Directory  behind the content. Along with about me content, I recommend adding a photo of yourself to your “about” page. More emphatically, this is because people want to see the faces behind the blog posts. What readers see about you looks like the social media links you have for readers to see. This factor also makes them feel more comfortable with you, and makes them more likely to leave comments, and communicate through social networks. Especially for those who blog for business, I often recommend that you pay close attention to point #2. You will see better customer conversion rates when they see you, when they see you really clearly. Also, you will notice that the engagement  you get on your blog posts and on social networks increases exponentially when you start using your own photos.