How to analyze your reputation on the internet?

As real marketing tools, the Internet and social networks represent a kind of online public square that is important to any web strategy for companies wishing to increase their notoriety. If you want to analyze your company’s online reputation, don’t miss this file!

Why analyze your online reputation?

E-reputation analysis is important in the sense that this process will allow you to improve it. And who says high online reputation says increase in sales.

A website that has several positive reviews tends to have more customers and therefore sales. Especially since the growth of online shopping has seen a significant increase in recent years.

By displaying products that are phone number library properly presented and have good customer feedback, you can sell them more easily.

This reasoning also applies to the sale of services.


phone number library

What are the risks of a bad online reputation?

A bad reputation is detrimental to the proper development of your business. This can lead to:

  • Negative reviews on social media
  • Negative reviews in the comments section of your products
  • The decrease in your sales

5 steps to follow to analyze your e-reputation!

To analyze your e-reputation in the best possible way, you must follow 5 steps:

1) Identify the channels that are important to your business

Do you know which channels kolmanda osapoole küpsised are most likely to talk about you? Each sector has its own characteristics.

For example, the bodybuilding sector is highly discussed on YouTube. If you are in the fashion sector, it is better to do social monitoring on Instagram. LinkedIn will be more interesting if you offer services to businesses. The tourism sector, on the other hand, will be more cited in dedicated Facebook groups or on forums and consumer review sites.

2) Find the right indicators to follow

There are 2 types of indicators you need to consider:

Quantitative indicators:

  • The press : number of mentions b2b fax lead of your company in the press
  • Social networks : number of mentions, number of subscribers, engagement rate, etc.
  • Customer review platforms : number of Internet users who have posted a review
  • SEO : traffic generated on search engines, number of backlinks

Qualitative indicators:

  • Opinion : Is your brand being talked about positively? Are posts about you negative?
  • Perception : Is your company associated with interesting topics or negative events?
  • Influence : Have prestigious media outlets talked about you? Have influencers talked about your products?
  • Satisfaction : How are you rated on review sites? How many loyal ambassadors do you have (Internet users who spontaneously recommend you to other people)? Do you also know the number of your detractors (people who advise against your brand)?

To summarize, it is about taking into account both quantitative and qualitative indicators. Getting 1000 comments on online review sites is not an end in itself. You need to know whether these 1000 posts are positive or negative.

3) Carry out competitive monitoring

Let’s say your business has a Google rating of 3.5. Sure, that’s a good score, but if your competitors have higher ratings, people will automatically turn away from you.

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