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Email newsletters have been and remain an effective way to demonstrate a company’s expertise and gain customer trust. Irina Galka, a content marketing specialist at Aktion Marketing , explains how to fully unlock the potential of this tool.


1. Article reviews (digests)
2. Announcement of one article
3. Invitation to the webinar
4. Webinar overview
5. Cases

Content mailings are letters with useful and interesting information for a potential client. Content does not sell directly, but gradually warms up the audience at the upper stages of the sales funnel. The main goal of such letters is to engage the user in the topic , to convince them of expertise. Although the opportunity to sell can be left in the form of a target CTA button – the

Conversion will be low, but not zero

At this stage of the funnel, the user may not yet library shop be aware of the problem and the content will help identify the problem.

Aktion Marketing builds communication with the user based on the events that a person causes on our sites. The system remembers events thanks to the DMP platform .

Here are the main types of content letters that Action Marketing specialists use .

1. Article reviews (digests)
This could be:

a digest with articles on various topics and materials for downloading;
a digest with several materials on one topic.

Irina Galka, content marketing specialist at Aktion Marketing

To engage users in our blog, we offer a selection of diverse content: about email marketing mistakes , sales funnel , media plan . And we carefully study what “went” the most. An example of a B2B newsletter is a digest for business about marketing .

Here is a selection of highly specializ how to use a company email domain address to ensure… materials for accountants, which was written for our clients from Scloud.

Announcement of one article

Such letters are a summary of the essence b2c fax of an expert article with well-plac “hooks” for those involv, so that they click on and read the text in full. The mailing is sent only to those who were interest in such a topic. This way, the conversion is higher.

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