Open Source as Collaboration, Growth, and Responsibility

The concept of open source is one of the founding concepts of WordPress. But, for a long time, in some cases even now. It is seen as something that has no future because it does not produce the same results (especially economic ones, some would say) as closed software schemes.

But since it is becoming more and more popular. Some companies are trying to jump on this bandwagon to expand their user base. And then try to convince everyone to move on to something else. The idea that Mullenweg is instead promoting and that is at the center of his latest online reflection is the idea of ​​an open source that is truly open. For it to be so, however, four things need to happen: learning, evolution, teaching, nourishment.

Open source and learning

The concept of learning, which Mullenweg simply identifies with learn, is perhaps the easiest concept. When we talk about open source, what we are talking about is an idea that is always ready and open to new things.

Ready to experiment beyond what market statistics say, what shareholders say, what wallets say.

Having an open mind allows you to listen to what is happening around you and, for example in the case of WordPress, to gradually provide the tools that users need and not what those who open the purse strings must then convince users to use (to recover expenses). For this reason, among others, WordPress has carved out its primacy among platforms for building websites.

Open source and evolution

The idea of ​​evolution also contains the idea of ​​change. Because once you have learned something. It is clear that that something will change the perception of what you are working on. If the perception changes, the need to change something may arise. You change what is needed to continue moving forward in a process that, to quote Mullenweg’s post directly, is a process of natural selection.

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Open source and teaching

Just as you have to be open to learning new things, you also the future of ai in marketing in 2025 have to be open to wanting to share them with others. Teaching bh lists the community to work on its own is not a problem for open source. This concept obviously conflicts with the idea of ​​gatekeeping that many other companies instead carry forward.

If users do not know how something works they cannot walk on their own legs and cannot leave. Open source is also open because anyone can learn what is behind it, make it their own and build something in turn. A shocking idea for some.

mullenweg and open source, what it really means
Mullenweg’s very clear scheme (photo –
Open source and nourishment
The idea of ​​open source is ultimately based on the principle that the community that must work in open source must be supported. Supported with time, supported with money, supported with commitment. The more we are, the better we are and the further we can go.

It is clear, however, that the nourishment of something that does not immediately generate profit for someone can be difficult to digest. But some things are done for something that does not fit into the wallet.

Open source and parasites

Mullenweg’s long post opens by talking about the WordCamp. US that was recently held in Portland and then goes on to talk about something he recently discovered. Meta’s artificial intelligence model, Llama, is free and open source unless you reach 700 million active users for the products and services built from the model. But Llama is open source.

Or so Meta says

Mullenweg, however, disagrees and this is where his reflection on what the true validity of an open source model is born. A model that apparently can be used for marketing purposes by those he calls parasites.

In particular

Mullenweg is referring to the so-called WordPress parasites, that is, those companies that participate but very often do so only for their own superficial gain. A bit like those who claim to be friends of the environment to convince others to buy their products and then are the first to pollute.

Hence the request that Mullenweg makes to everyone to “vote with your wallet”. Therefore, to choose the companies that, in addition to declaring. They participate in the development of WordPress, actually do so. It is not difficult, for example, to check. the Five For The Future section how much the companies that declare that they contribute to the development of WordPress actually do so.

Wanting to broaden the reflection just a little beyond

WordPress as a platform for building websites. It would be important to vote with your wallet and choose based on your own values ​​and not on nice words and commercials.

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